Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The take over

It was a difficult battle. Success never comes easy.For those who are wondering what happened to Jackass and his stupid posts,

I killed him.
I killed his posts.

It was difficult disposing off his body and his posts, his posts in particular. No recycle bin was accepting his (any adjective in superlative) posts. His body burnt for a remarkable long time and tasted good even without seasoning. UNICEF gladly accepted his posts and used the letters in them to educate the less fortunate in Peru.

Now he is a ghost and he IM-ed me from hell, to where he was instantly teleported after his violent death. He was glad that I killed him and advised me to kill myself as the hell is a lot cooler place than it appears.

'Atleast the girl to boy ratio is greater than 10' he said

Thanks to his posts , now millions of kids in Peru can spell the words 'fuck', 'gay', 'bitch' and 'Jesus'


  1. Omigod!i loved summer diary.I seriously had a crush on him.and why on earth did u kill gonna kill u.

  2. Hey I ddnt get it....
    Whats the connection between you and Summer Diary???
    By the way why you killed him??? That was really cool blog:(

  3. You mother fuckin, blog stealin, cock suckin, homo son of a bitch!!!!

  4. @ amrutha
    I would be honored,

    @ your niche
    an unfortunate connection of a classmate


    Unlike you im not a motherfucker , cocksucker and homo son of a bitch,
    I m just sime blog stealer.Just cling on to your blog

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm sad to see him go but then again...the only thing costant is change itself...all the best for this brand new chapter in your life :)
    Rest assured, I'll be following your page!!!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. You would make perfect accomplice of Stewy (Family Guy)

  9. good add more posts where i'll comment.Thankx.
    Write poetry

  10. @siladitya:
    i write elsewhere. i just hijacked this one.

  11. COnfused!
    But liked reading the post!
